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Classroom Refurbishments
Our kinder students were very excited to arrive on Monday to a beautifully renovated classroom. The painting and installation of autex was completed in kinder last week. Over the weekend, our Classroom Support and 5/6G rooms were painted and tomorrow Year 2 and 3/4G will be commenced followed by Year 1 and 3/4W next week. It is anticipated that our classrooms will be completed by Easter in time for our enrolment period and open days to commence.
Morning and Afternoon Safety
Unfortunately, we are continuing to see unsafe practices around our drop off and pick up time and would like to remind families of the expectations around these times:
- Drop off - No child is to be left on the premises before 8:20am. If you are unable to supervise your child before 8:20am then we would ask you to book them into TeamKids.
- Drop off and Pick up - No child is to walk across the carpark unattended. If you are unable to secure a carpark at the parks in front of the school path then you will need to get out of the car and support your child.
- Pick up - Children are to be collected from the courtyard. Children are exiting the school courtyard without a parent. This is a safety concern and cannot occur. The only time children will be permitted to leave the courtyard without an adult will be from 3:10pm when the congestion has slowed.
The safety of our students cannot be compromised by practices that put them in danger. We appreciate you working to improve our morning and afternoon safety.
Working Bee
We had our largest turnout to a working bee over the weekend with 20 families tending to our grounds at the top carpark, behind the library and at our outdoor classroom. The grounds are looking wonderful with their fresh topping of mulch. Thank you to those families who gave up their Saturday morning to engage with our school. We particularly thank those families who then disposed of our green waste.
Compass Notes
As we continue to develop our understanding of Compass it has come to light that some families are completing a note in the app when their child has a medical appointment. Whilst we appreciate families being so organised, this causes an inconsistency in your child's enrolment in the system. There is no need to complete a note in the app if you are collecting your child from school as the sign out system at the front office is sufficient evidence of their absence.
Religious Education Coordinator
Project Compassion
Our first water droplets have appeared on our classroom displays. The Mini Vinnies Captains will be around again this week to collect donations and hand out more droplets.
Thank you for your continued support.
Grandparents Day
The invitation for Grandparents’ Day is below, please use the link to RSVP for catering numbers. We are looking forward to welcoming Grandparents on Friday March 22nd.
Dates for Sacrament celebrations and registration have been confirmed and added to the school calendar. If you have any questions please contact our REC Skye McPadden or Sacramental Coordinator Christopher Evans
Skye McPadden
Religious Education Coordinator